Our life-changing program was meticulously designed to help you overcome depression. Our transformative journey is dedicated to helping you restore and maintain your vitality and reclaime your joy for life.
We integrate medical treatments, practices, and lifestyle habits to energize your body, develop a positive mind set, work on deep-seated trauma, elevate your emotional state, and reconnect with your sense of purpose. All based on our three key pillars:
360 Whole-Person Approach
7 Stages for Gradual Transformation
Integration of Treatments
WE GO 360 INTO YOUR DEPRESSION. We recognize that depression is a complex condition that affects every dimension of a person's life. Thus, effective treatment demands a strategy that targets all dimensions of the individual — Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit — simultaneously and decisively. Our program handles this complexity with a holistic approach, providing a diverse range of treatments, therapies, and practices that effectively address each aspect of the individual, leading to profound transformation and overall well-being.
This multidimensional approach prevents progress in one area from being undermined by issues in another. For example, a healthier mind can be hindered by physical exhaustion, and regaining vitality can be hindered by painful emotions. In depression, neglecting an aspect of the person can impede overall progress, hindering recovery.
It begins with the 'Balancing & Assessment' phase, featuring a thorough medical consultation and personalized treatment planning. As participants advance through stages of 'Insight & Awareness', 'Motivation & Mindset Drive', 'Implementation & Renewal', 'Habit Formation & Inner Quest', and 'Life Integration', they gain self-awareness, tap into inner strength, and embrace transformative habits, and learn how to integrate these changes into their daily routines.
This structured approach culminates in the 'Transition & Beyond phase', a 15-day at-home program that ensures sustained success by offering support and guidance for real-world implementation.
Our program also distinguishes itself by successfully blending group dynamics and individualized care. A strong sense of community is created during the 30-day in-person retreat, where shared progress, peer support, lifelong bonds, and accountability partnerships create an environment conducive to collective healing.
In addition, our focus on individualized care ensures that each participant receives personalized medical attention, private therapy sessions, individual coaching, ongoing monitoring, and a tailored integration plan. This fusion of community and individual support amplifies the healing progress and reinforces lasting wellbeing.
Our program's methodology is rooted in our holistic approach, seamlessly integrating multiple treatments and therapeutic modalities that address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of the individual.
These approaches range from evidence-based functional medicine treatments and lifestyle changes to trauma healing therapies, as well as mediation and mindfulness practices. Our distinctive strength lies not only in the effectiveness of these methods, all backed by scientific research, but in our unique ability to synergize and integrate them within our program, amplifying their impact and creating a powerful depression-healing experience.